更新日期: 2012年01月13日 下载次数: 1733 SRT ASS 猫狗大战2中英字幕预览
德国北部 卫星站,是的老板,我拿到卫星密码了Yes, boss, I have the satellite codes with me.,我怎么可能会忘在车上,我哪有那么笨No, I didn't leave them in the truck. You think I'm stupid?,嗯哼,哪有,就在我手上啊No, they are with me.,是 我马上把它收好Ja, I'm inputting them right now.,好的,我不会让你失望的 帮我向你老婆问好Yeah, I'm working very hard. Say hello to your wife.,哦,你们离婚了啊? 真抱歉,好的 掰Oh, she left you. Oh, I'm sorry. Okay, bye.,小狗狗Little puppy.,你怎么会在这里?What are you doing here?,外头冷的要死耶It's so cold.,快跟我近屋来取暖Come inside and warm up with Freidrich.,快过来这里Come here. Yes.,乖乖 乖乖Hello. Hello.,雷克斯Rex?,我带了新朋友给你喔I found a new companion for you.,快跟你的新朋友打招呼啊 “哈罗”Say hi to your new friend. "Hello.",我是新来的 我们当好朋友吧"I'm your new friend. We are friends.",雷克斯Rex!,快住口!他只是只小狗狗Stop it! It's only a little puppy.,你还越叫越凶Now you sound angry.,快住口!他会吓到的Stop it! He can hear you!,快闭嘴Close your mouth.,不可以!雷克斯 你怎么变这么不乖No! Rex! This is so illogical!,雷克斯... 你到底怎么了?Rex! Rex, what's wrong with you?,过来... 给我到外面去 不可以Come. Come. Outside. No!,你的教养都跑哪去了? 坐下... 给我坐下! 来者是客Where are your manners? Sit! Sit! Sit down! We have a guest.,你给我在这里反省 直到你变乖为止You will stay out here till you learn how to behave!,噢,不会吧 锁住了?Oh, no. Locked?,怎么会呢?But how?,喵呜~Meow.,表明你的身分State your business.,探员编号 127 请求援助Agent 127 breaking radio silence.,我发现了珍珠猫I have spotted Kitty Galore.,重复一次 我发现了珍珠猫I repeat, I have spotted Kitty Galore.,旧金山市 加州,我们都在电视上看过他们的广告...We've all seen his commercials...,...不过今天的卡利托看起来非常狂野 已经是到了失控的地步...but today it appears Crazy Carlito really is off his rocker.,他声称的他的薪水不如人 但现在看来 他的行为也是不如人He's claimed his prices are insane. Now it appears he is too.,目前场面非常的紧张 我们只能期待有人来解决这场闹剧The situation is tense as we wait for someone to come end this standoff.,尚恩 过来这里Shane, get over here.,狄哥 原地待着Diggs, stay.,快告诉我目前的状况 队长Give me the situation, captain.,这可是最危险的非常案件We've got a first-class nutcase here.,里头有四名人质Four hostages inside.,全都是二手车推销员All used-car salesmen.,对此我感到非常的棘手I've got mixed feelings about this one.,那个怪人花样还真多 手拿着引爆器That wacko so much as changes channels on that thing...,...墙壁上还布满了炸弹...and this whole lot explodes.,看来有事情可做了Only one thing to do here.,你是我的猎物 你是口到擒来的猎物You are mine. You are so mine.,没错的Yeah.,我说到就做到I'll do it! - All I can...,你们敢过来的话 我就给你们一声“碰!”Come any closer and the last thing you'll hear is "boom"!,狄哥 不要Diggs. No.,狄哥Diggs!,快离开那 快走Get out of there! Get out!,快走 大家 照他说的走吧Get out! - Guys, let's go!,快离开那 狄哥Get out of there! Diggs!,狄哥 快走啊Diggs, go, go!,你们想看精采的烟火 我就放给你们看!You want fireworks, I'll show you fireworks!,我只要按下这个按钮....All I have to do is push this button...,...就爆给你看!...and boom!,噢耶Oh, yeah!,狄哥 不要Diggs! No!,炸弹要爆炸了 全员往后撤退It's gonna blow! -Hold those people back!,不会吧Take cover! I repeat! Take cover!,快找掩护 重复一遍 快找掩护,哇!哇!哇!暂停一下Hold on.,你要让那个家伙加入我们? 他刚炸了那家车行耶You wanna recruit that guy? He just blew up a car dealership!,是家二手车行啦 也是 他想当个警察可能还差的远A used-car dealership. True, he may not be a great cop.,但是他很有资质 可以成为一位很优秀的探员But he has the potential to be a great agent.,他很行 出生入死都不在话下 而且受过近战专业训练He's fearless, barks in the face of danger, and is trained in paw-to-paw combat.,加上讨厌别人命令他 但重要的是 他最恨...Plus the only thing he hates more than following orders...,...猫咪...is cats.,恨猫就行了啊Well, hating cats is good.,这正是我们所需要的 这才能对抗珍珠猫And exactly what we need to take down Kitty Galore.,算了 我不认为你找的到 会有哪个傻蛋会跟这种天才合作Fine. But I don't know who you'll find dumb enough to partner with him.,别担心 我已经有适合的人选了Easy. I'm barking right at him.,就是你啦It's you,我的妈啊...oh my god...,- 停职? - 那只狗是个瘟神Suspended? - This dog is a disaster.,我要重新送他回训练营 我算算 已经是第三次了吗?We've sent him to obedience school, what, three times now?,他还是不肯听命令And he still won't listen.,不要送他回去Don't put him back in the system.,那边老是把他被关在笼子里 他到现在从没有一个安稳的家He's been in and out of kennels his whole life. He's never had a home.,我告诉你 我会领养他I'll tell you what, I will adopt him.,抱歉了 尚恩 他属于国家资产Sorry, Shane. He's state property.,况且 你家还有个刚诞生的小宝宝Besides, you have a new baby now.,你不需要为自己添这种麻烦 让他去吧 尚恩You don't need this kind of trouble at home. Let him go, Shane.,让他去吧Let him go.,队长 请不要逼我这样做Captain, please don't make me do this.,干的真好啊 狄哥Nice one, Diggs.,我很抱歉 狄哥I'm sorry, Diggs.,我知道你很认真I know you tried.,凡是你都会尽力 只是有时候过了头You always try. Just sometimes a little too hard.,努力的当个好警犬Like this cop thing.,有的时候 你也可以放松一下Sometimes you just gotta play with others..
不要太努力去当个好狗狗It's not always about being the top dog.,狄哥 我很抱歉 好兄弟Diggs, I'm sorry, buddy.,我会想办法让你离开这里的I'll do everything I can to get you out of here.,在那之前 你要乖乖的Until then, you be a good boy.,我爱你 好兄弟I love you, buddy.,这应该不算太糟 对吧?This isn't so bad, right?,地板 你好啊 铁笼 你安啊How's it going, floor? What's up, cage?,饭碗 好久不见?Que pasa, bowl?,你们大家有想我吗? 不用太想 因为我回来了Did you guys miss me? Because I'm back!,又再次回到狗窝了Back in the kennel again.,嘿... 这是怎样.. Hey! What...? What the...?,好的好的 你吓到我了Okay, okay, this is creeping me out.,哈罗 有人在吗?Hello? Anyone home?,哈罗Hello?,哇呜,欧噢,你是谁? 是谁把电梯装在那的?Who are you? When did they put an elevator in there?,我是特别探员布奇 要来告诉你一个好消息Name's Special Agent Butch, and against better judgment...,...你被选中加入一个特别单位...you're being recruited into an organization...,...你将协助我们来打击邪恶组织...to help fight the spread of radical felinism.,好吧.. 是有人在跟我开玩笑吗?Okay, is somebody pulling my tail here?,这不是玩笑 狄哥This isn't a joke, Diggs.,- 你怎么知道我的名字的? - 你没看到我从地板冒出来吗?How do you know my name? - I just came up out of the floor.,就当我不知道你的名字好了Let's assume I'm smart enough to know your name.,告诉你 当你还在跟同梯的互追尾巴时...While you and your cop buddies are here chasing your tails...,已经有一个菁英狗党组织正肩负着...there's an elite team of dogs charged with the noble responsibility...,保护人类的崇高使命of protecting mankind.,我们要招募你加入组织We want you to join that team.,你的机会只有一次 狄哥. 我想你不会不答应的This is a one-time-only offer, Diggs. I suggest you say yes.,听起来很赞 但我想光是这样讲讲 怎么能让我就这样答应It's tempting, but I can't just say yes to every offer that comes through that floor.,孩子 你大半辈子都关在这个鸟地方Kid, you already spent half your life locked up in this place.,这可是能让你永远摆脱这里的好机会There's a good chance you'll spend the rest of your life here.,不过 选择权还是在你But the choice is yours.,你可以留在这里 抓抓蟑螂 吃干饲料...You can stay here and fight roaches over your kibble...,或是加入我们 一起对抗猫党or you can come with me and fight cats.,对抗猫党?你怎不早说Fight cats? Why didn't you say so?,现在 浪子不再徘徊了 有只狗已经准备好要狩猎了Now, move over, Rover, this dog's ready to hunt!,噢 我的天狗啊Oh, my dog!,准备好出发 小心不要吓到哭了喔I just vacuumed the seats, so try not to shed.,冲啊!Come on!,哇呜,我们现在正高速前进 对不对?Wow, we're going really fast, aren't we?,好刺激啊!我真不敢相信 实在太爽了!This is nice! This is enjoyable. I'm enjoying this.,- 你还好吧 大咖 - 我很好!Sure you're okay, big shot? -Fine, good.,不 不好 一点都不好No, not good. Not good.,我快要吐了!Yeah, I'm gonna barf.,我是探员 3293. 我已经完成任务了This is Agent 3293. I've got the package.,要注意 菜鸟第一次搭总是会晕车Careful, now. New recruits sometimes get a little woozy after their first ride.,你没事吧 菜鸟Are you okay there, rookie?,我没事的 一点事儿都没有Yeah, I'm good. Totally fine.,不知道为什么整个房间一直在转 我先在这躺一下I'm just gonna lay down here till the room stops spinning.,该走了 超级狗狗 好玩的才要开始而已Let's go, superdog. The fun's just beginning.,我怎觉得 你说的好玩的跟我想的不太一样I think we have different definitions of "fun.",先等等Just wait.,现在先给你心理准备 孩子Now prepare yourself, kid.,你即将面对一些别人都不曾经历过的事You're about to experience something no human and very few canines ever see.,你好啊 布奇探员 现在启动狗掌扫描Greetings, Agent Butch. Activate paw scan now.,哇呜,太棒了!Sweet!,就简直就像是宠物界的拉斯维加斯This is like Petco meets Vegas.,"今日课程:工作上的烦恼"Today's seminar, "Harassment in the Workplace.",如果不是个硬汉,请不要虐待他Doberman or not, do not pinch her.,欢迎来到狗党总部 我们所有的通联都会经过这里Welcome to Dog HQ, the nexus of our whole operation.,麦奇 你要不要一起吃午餐啊? 不吃了 我不喜欢你 卡尔Mike, you wanna grab lunch? -I don't like you, Carl.,我们都非常的单纯 毛茸茸般的单纯 不像人类那样复杂We're the thin, furry line between humans and total chaos.,跟上我 孩子Try and keep up, kid.,大家快看我 我是个滑板 我是个滑板Hey, guys, watch. I'm skateboarding, I'm skateboarding!,我们的干员正在进行24之7的训练...Our elite agents work and train 24/7...,要来打击所有敌人 刚刚才开始习惯to combat all enemies, foreign and domesticated.,常有人说"狗是人类最忠实的朋友" 这句话对我们来说非常重要We take the saying "man's best friend" very seriously here.,- 跟不跟? - 当然要啦All in? - Why not?,- 嗨 布奇 - 嗨 瘦皮Hey, Butch. - Hey, Slim.,知道为什么我们要这么做吗?Why do we do all this?,这是为了确保别让猫党骑到我们的头上来To make sure it never becomes a cat-eat-dog world out there.,噢 你好啊 美人儿Oh, hello, ladies!,我不喜欢你离开我 但我喜欢看你与我远走Hate to see you go, love to watch you leave.,把口水擦一擦 快来 我要帮你介绍一下Stop drooling already. Come on, I want to introduce you to someone.,你要帮我介绍小妞啊?拜托你了Could you introduce me to them, please?,嘿 等等我Hey, wait up.,最火的狗 要闪啦!Hot dog, coming through!,DOG: 三 二 一 箱神发射Three, two, one. Fire the catapult.,正中红心Bull's-eye.,嘿 在这里你要留意你的脚步 不要随便碰任何东西Hey, watch your paws in here. Don't touch anything.,嘿 最近好吗? 伙伴Hey, how you doing, buddy?,喵呜...,这里有只猫 快找掩护!It's some kind of cat! Get back!,喵呜?啊!我忘了摘下来 这是猫咪面具3000型Meow? Oh, I forgot. This is the Catamatron 3000.,这能让你听懂猫话 而且看起来就跟猫一模一样It trains you to think like the enemy. Literally.,我觉得有人的真面目比猫脸还吓人Someone's been playing fetch with the ugly stick.,这是皮克 他是我们最棒的技术顾问This is Peek, tech specialist and head of Covert Ops.,- 你好 - 有何贵干?Hi. - What up, dog?,皮克 你那边现在有什么好康的吗?So, Peek, you got anything that actually works?,跟我来Follow me.,布奇 你的新装备是这个 狗项圈7号 通讯设备Butch, your collar is fitted with the Rawhide-7 communications package.,自动开锁 捕捉网 低功率雷射Lock pick, netting, helium-neon laser...,抓钩 还有能让你口气清新的 芳香剂...grappling hook and liver-scented breath freshener.,这些都是你的了And this is yours.,真棒!这些能干嘛?Sweet! What's it do?,我可以帮你把名字刻在上面Holds your name tag on your neck.,布奇 你看起变瘦了耶Butch, you've lost some weight.,真抱歉 我是狄哥 而且 我帅的多了Sorry, my name's Diggs and I always look this good.,山姆 我在这啦Sam. I'm over here.,抱歉 老板希望能先见见你们Sorry. The boss wants to see you two pronto.......