死亡狩猎 Death Hunt(2022)中英字幕 下载 SRT ASS_高清电影™

死亡狩猎 Death Hunt(2022)中英字幕

更新日期: 2024年07月31日 下载次数: 208  SRT ASS
电影:死亡狩猎 (Death Hunt)




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死亡狩猎 Death Hunt(2022)中英字幕预览

 死 亡 狩 猎,308是一种大型狩猎弹药The 308 is a big game hunting cartridge.,射击移动目标将会Shooting at a moving target will be,比击中静止目标更困难more difficult than hitting a stationary target.,风从西北方向吹过来Winds are coming in from the Northwest.,在每小时10英里的风中 308In a 10-mile an hour wind,会在此范围内漂移大约100英寸will drift roughly 100 inches at that range.,控制你的呼吸 放慢速度 稳住Control your breathing,现在 扣动扳机Now,往下15英寸 偏右Fifteen inches low and to the right.,我为你骄傲 TJI'm proud of you,儿子 别让他受苦Don't let him suffer,你必须让他脱离苦海You have to put him out of his misery.,很美 不是吗?Beautiful,它很平和It's peaceful.,我们的镇也是 哈珀先生So is our town,正如我在电话里所说 我们也许很小Like I said on the phone,但我们为商业而开放but we're open for business.,我的公司在整个中西部都有活跃的项目My company has active projects all across the Midwest,从堪萨斯州到北达科他州in Kansas to North Dakota.,我们刚刚完成德卢斯的贝莱尔滨水开发项目We just completed the Bel Air waterfront development project in Duluth.,我已经和州一级相关人士谈过了I've talked to the right people at the state level.,很好Good.,让我困扰的是 哈珀先生What troubles me,我们这个伟大的国家选出了一位总统that this great country of ours elected a president that's,让外国买家充斥着我们的市场letting the world flood our market with foreign buyers.,恕我直言 我们是一家美国公司With all due respect,我们有十多个开发项目正在进行中We've got over a dozen development projects underway right now.,并且对可持续的基础设施感到自豪And we pride ourselves in sustainable infrastructure.,这就是美国之路It's the American way.,我的办公室会下周三之前My office will forward you the zoning applications,把分区申请转发给你by Wednesday of next week.,同时 我会确保正确的人得到回报In the meantime,而错误的人不会妨碍你and the wrong ones get out of your way.,规划委员会呢?And the planning committee?,议会呢?Councilors?,议会已经支持我们了 副市长也一样Council is already on our side,情况正在好转Economy is in the ship.,是个好消息That's the good news.,坏消息是这是一次投票The bad news is that it's an election.,你要争取的不是我 哈珀先生It's not me you have to win over,而是克劳福德县的人It's the people of Crawford County.,这是美国的方式It's the American way.,这里的这片农田是大林溪Now,深处的一小块土地of land to the far side of Big Timber Creek.,正如我提到的As I mentioned,这个拟议的开发项目是同类项目中最大的一个this proposed development project is one of the largest of its kind.,它代表了对您所在社区的全部投资It represents a total investment in your community,超过1.5亿美元of over $150 million.,最后 我想补充一点 我公司的首要任务So in closing,是优先考虑环境priority is the environment.,这将是我们为那些以克劳福德县This will be the lasting legacy that we will leave,为家的人留下的长久遗产for those who call Crawford County their home.,我们预计第三阶段将于1999年底完成We project phase three to be completed at the end of 1999,离现在不到一年了just under a year from now.,当我们完成时 我们将为这个社区创造And when we do,数百个新的就业机会right here in this community.,是的 为谁?Yeah,你自己的公司吗?Your own company?,我们不想再失去我们的农场We don't want to lose any more of our farms.,这个城镇有很多土地This town has a lot of land that can,可以更有效的利用be used far more efficiently.,我想对你们说And I want to say to you that in no way,我们这样做绝对不会损害环境will we compromise the environment in doing so.,这个城镇有很多土地This town has a lot of land that can,可以更有效的利用be used far more efficiently.,你们应该为自己的听从感到羞耻You should be ashamed of yourselves for listening,在湖边水疗中心 将你的度假之旅变成Transform your getaway to a health and wellness,健康和养生度假retreat at our lakeside spa.,我的太阳镜呢?Where are my sunglasses?,我们一小时前就该到鹰湾了We were supposed to be in Eagle Bay an hour ago.,所以我们已经迟到了So we're already late.,迟一会儿又怎样?What's a few more minutes?,进展如何?How did it go?,如我所料Like I figured.,至少市长支持我们At least the mayor's on our side.,但要我说 这个乡下小镇But I tell you,他们不应该对礼物吹毛求疵looking at a gift horse in the mouth,这是什么?What's this?,看起来像什么?What's it look like?,像是一份礼物It looks like a gift.,好吧 打开Well,是指南针It's a compass.,有些东西能帮助你在世界上找到Something to help you find your way out there in the world,回到我身边的路and to find your way back to me.,我是怎么跟你在一起的?How did I ever get mixed up with you?,你妻子介绍的Your wife introduced us.,记得吗?Remember?,你想害死我们吗?Are you trying to kill us?,这是辆全新特兰斯艾姆 325马力 5.7升的美国肌肉车It's a brand new Trans Am,对了 我期待有几天独处时间Yeah. I'm looking forward to a couple of days alone.,没有工作 没有官僚主义 没有电话No work,没有老婆And no wife.,布鲁克 别提这个Don't start with that,我们不是都过了这道坎吗?I thought we moved past this?,你是过了You did.,你确实很擅长过坎You're really good at getting past it.,是啊Yeah..
    对Yeah.,告诉工会他们可以去死了Tell the union they can kiss my ass.,你为什么不去加油?Why don't you get the gas?,对Yeah.,不No.,不No.,我不管报告说什么I don't care what the report says.,我们有20辆装满石板的翻斗车 都被堵住了We've got 20 dump trucks full of slate,好吧 你告诉格里尔我想在周五前见面Well,没错That's right.,我星期一回办公室I'll be back in the office on Monday.,我来应付福斯特I'll deal with Foster.,早上好 警长Good morning,早上好 罗斯Good morning,今天去钓鱼?Going fishing today?,如果你抓到了什么If you catch something.,都还好吗?Everything OK?,很好Fine.,那些关于没有电话 没有生意的话怎么回事?What happened to all that talk about no phone,不 我说过 没有官僚主义No,如果我们向北去鹰湾If we're heading North to Eagle Bay,不是应该一直走高速公路吗?shouldn't we've just stayed on the highway?,难道想错过这些美丽的乡村?Come on and miss all those beautiful countryside?,是啊 但我们应该在这里Yeah,为什么我们不留在高速公路上?Why didn't we just stayed on the highway?,州际公路会变成停车场The interstate will be a parking lot.,走这边更快This will be faster.,是加油站的那些混蛋Those assholes from the gas station.,好 有警察Good,纽约牌照New York plates.,你们迷路了吗?You two lost?,你没看到吗?You didn't see that?,看到什么?See what?,皮卡车The pickup truck.,他们差点杀了我们They nearly killed us.,他们把我们挤出了公路They run us off the road.,我猜你没看到我I guess you didn't see me.,你在48公里处超过了我You shot past me up on 48.,是啊 在附近几英里内 我还没看到有限速标志Yeah. Well,能看看你的驾照吗?Can I see your driver's license?,下车Get out of the car.,这是为什么?What's this about?,我不知道你在纽约是做什么的I don't know what you do in New York.,但在这里 当警长问话时But out here,你必须下车 你他妈给我出来you to get out of the car,出来Get out.,还有你 大小姐 走吧You too,把手放在我能看到的地方Keep your hands where I can see them.,待在那里Stay over there.,我要检查你的车I'm going to search your car.,我们该怎么办?What are we going to do?,好吧 看我找到了什么?Well,暗藏的武器A concealed weapon.,你拿这个干什么?What are you carrying this for?,防卫Protection.,防卫什么?Protection from what?,持枪证明在手套箱里Paperworks are in the glove box.,完全合法It's completely legal.,在我的县不合法Not in my County,那里 是那辆皮卡There,天哪Jesus Christ.,这个镇都疯了吗?Is this town all crazy?,冷静Calm down.,冷静?Calm down?,这些乡巴佬差点杀了我们These rednecks nearly killed us.,你还要我冷静?You want me to calm down?,太疯狂了This is crazy.,我想和你的上级谈谈I want to speak to your superiors.,你再张嘴说话 我就打爆你的头Open your mouth one more time,你觉得我们像罪犯?We look like criminals to you?,我不知道罪犯长什么样I don't know what criminals look like.,你们以为呢?How about you fellas?,我看他们像迷路了They look lost to me.,这究竟是怎么回事?What the hell is going on here?,雷蒙德·哈珀 纽约人Raymond Harper,你是做什么的 大人物?What do you do for a living,建筑业Construction.,你建造什么?What do you build?,我们什么都没做We haven't done anything.,瑞克 把那辆特兰斯艾姆停到码头后面Rick,我们在那里等你We'll meet you there.,谢谢你及时通知Thanks for the short notice.,我没想到你这么迟才来I wasn't expecting you until later.,只要确保它加满油Just make sure she's all gassed up.,嘿Hey.,这合法吗?Is this even legal?,离船很近 走过去It's a short walk to the boat.,天哪Holy fuck.,你还留着这艘旧船吗?You still got this old tin can?,它是很旧 但还是我的It maybe old,这玩意能把我们送过去吗?Does this thing even going to get us out there?,它会送我们去的She'll get us there.,好 你两个 走吧All right. You two,拿开它Move it.,噢 有个性Oh,我就喜欢这样的Just how I like them.,你感觉还好吗?You're feeling all right?,这是她该有的感觉That's how she's supposed to feel.,她不喜欢水She doesn't like the water.,我们为什么往东?Why are we heading East?,岛屿在北部The island's North.,湖面风浪太大The lake's choppy.......