空中乘务员 The Crew(2024)中英字幕 下载 SRT ASS_高清电影™

空中乘务员 The Crew(2024)中英字幕

更新日期: 2024年05月29日 下载次数: 644  SRT ASS
电影:空中乘务员 (The Crew)




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空中乘务员 The Crew(2024)中英字幕预览

 - 是的,- 在吗? - 82号登机口- Where? - Gate number 82.,82号登机门 我们走吧Gate number 82. Let's go.,控制到KL436Control to KL436.,转回终点站 你不能起飞Turn back to the terminal. You are not clear to take off.,请到82号登机门Coming to gate number 82.,女士们Coming to gate number 82.,根据船长的最新消息Coming to gate number 82.,我们很遗憾地通知您Coming to gate number 82.,由于一些技术上的困难to the terminal due to some technical difficulties.,我们恳请您此时仍坐在指定的座位上We kindly ask that you remain seated in your assigned seats at this time.,请放心We kindly ask that you remain seated in your assigned seats at this time.,对于造成的不便We kindly ask that you remain seated in your assigned seats at this time.,谢谢你!Thank you.,吉塔塞提Geeta Sethi.,迪夫RanaDivya Rana.,茉莉Jasmine.,我们需要你和我们一起去We need you to come with us.,先生We need you to come with us.,你真的想让我在这里泄露秘密吗?Do you really want me to spill the beans here?,我们走吧Let's go.,我是来自哈里亚纳邦的Divya RanaI'm Divya Rana from Haryana.,头的女孩Head girl.,州冠军State Champion.,PCM平均99.8PCM average 99.8.,我很有名I was famous.,我来自哈里亚纳邦的南赫里I'm from Haryana,你可能从来没听说过You probably have never heard of it.,我们的机场很糟糕We had this crappy airport,没有看到任何飞机that never saw any planes.,我想这就是我梦想成为飞行员的地方Guess it's where my dreams of becoming a pilot took off.,女士Guess it's where my dreams of becoming a pilot took off.,你看起来是个好女孩 你什么时候改变立场的?You seem like a good girl. When did you switch sides?,事实上You seem like a good girl. When did you switch sides?,总有一天我会飞向天空that someday I would reach for the skies.,真是个骗子!What a fraud! ,我的董事会考试一结束What a fraud! ,我们搬到了孟买we moved to Mumbai.,我爸爸借了一笔钱My dad took a loan,他让我进了飞行学校and he got me into a flying school.,听着and he got me into a flying school.,还有她第一只狗的名字and her first dog's name.,- 对 - 搞什么鬼and her first dog's name.,你又开始卖密码了?You're back to selling passwords?,你没有吸取上次的教训吗?Didn't you learn from what happened last time?,请试着理解Please,女士Please,请把帐单寄给我Please send me the bill.,请试着理解Please,我以后就帮不了你了 是的I won't be able to help you later. Yes.,把它寄过来I won't be able to help you later. Yes.,她又不是要去打仗!It's not like she's going off to war! ,好吧It's not like she's going off to war! ,快点It's not like she's going off to war! ,飞行员就在这里It's not like she's going off to war! ,我该怎么告诉他们It's not like she's going off to war! ,我刚毕业It's not like she's going off to war! ,最终It's not like she's going off to war! ,不是在飞机前部It's not like she's going off to war! ,我没有勇气伤家人的心I didn't have the courage to break my family's heart.,谎言是一件危险的事情A lie is a dangerous thing.,要隐藏一个A lie is a dangerous thing.,把它摘下来Take it off.,现在该做什么?What now?,鞋Shoes.,在航空公司工作了20年Twenty years in the airline business.,考虑到这是你事业和名誉的终结Consider this an end to your career and reputation.,你可以选择公平竞争Consider this an end to your career and reputation.,塞西先生和我都来自富裕家庭Mr. Sethi and I both came from well- to- do families.,但后来塞西兄弟之间发生了巨大的争斗Mr. Sethi and I both came from well- to- do families.,我们不得不离开我们的宫殿Mr. Sethi and I both came from well- to- do families.,我轻而易举地找到了一份空中小姐的工作I easily got a position as an air hostess.,你知道I easily got a position as an air hostess.,哇哦I easily got a position as an air hostess.,你今天看起来真性感You're looking really hot today.,帮我说一遍You're looking really hot today.,- 什么? - 爵士You're looking really hot today.,两个在后面You're looking really hot today.,不You're looking really hot today.,拜托了Come on,如果机舱内的气压下降Come on,你们座位上方的氧气面罩the oxygen masks above your seats,会自动下拉will drop down automatically.,你确定吗?Are you sure?,安静地坐着Are you sure?,把面具拉向你Are you sure?,捂住口鼻Are you sure?,正常呼吸and breathe normally.,- 吗? - 任何形式的协助and breathe normally.,请联系我们的机组人员please contact our crew.,我接到命令了I got an order.,吉图I got an order.,请一天假Take a day off.,反正他们已经六个月没给你发工资了They haven't paid you any salary for the past six months anyway.,你一直毫无意义地“联系”You keep making "contact" for nothing.,我也不想去I don't feel like going either.,但是我怎么能错过每天的零用钱呢But how can I miss out on the daily allowance,我们买国际航班吗?we get for international flights?.
    反正我们只能靠黄油鸡和印度烤饼过活We're surviving on butter chicken and naan anyway.,我只是在等待I'm just waiting,等那该死的飞机把我的公积金给我for the bloody airplane to hand me my Provident Fund,这样我们就可以搬到果阿开自己的餐厅了so we can move to Goa and start our own restaurant.,姐夫so we can move to Goa and start our own restaurant.,吉图so we can move to Goa and start our own restaurant.,嘿so we can move to Goa and start our own restaurant.,惊喜!Surprise! ,排灯节快乐Surprise! ,排灯节快乐…Happy Diwali…,问候Greetings.,别想排灯节了Greetings.,看看萨普娜的脸Look at Sapna's face.,我敢打赌他们互相打架了I bet they fought with each other.,是我的错It's my fault.,妈妈去世后我就没办法照顾他了I couldn't take care of him after Mom passed away.,这是真的That's true.,不要太情绪化Don't get too emotional.,你不是他妈妈You're not his mother.,“妈妈去世后You're not his mother.,就好像他会成为印度总理一样As if he would've become the Prime Minister of India,如果你妈妈还活着if your mom were alive.,我们中产阶级We middle- class people,为了维持生计We middle- class people,我甚至都没意识到我从选美皇后变成了女佣I didn't even realize when I went from being a beauty queen to a maid.,你有昂贵的品味You have expensive taste.,举起手来Hands up.,你肯定要进监狱了You are definitely doing time in jail.,就像我爷爷说的You are definitely doing time in jail.,“我就说会发生这种事! ”"Told you this would happen! ",你这巫婆!You witch! ,沉迷于放荡You witch! ,你到底是谁?Who the hell are you?,那只狗在哪里?Where is that dog?,- 我的丈夫呢? - 嘿Where is that dog?,Anshul !Anshul! ,我早该知道的I should've freaking known.,这些住在总统套房的人最后都是已婚人士These guys in Presidential Suites always turn out to be married.,Anshul !Anshul! ,Anshul !Anshul! ,宝贝Anshul! ,- 拜托Anshul! ,给我个机会Anshul! ,我要杀了你Anshul! ,- 你弄疼我了! - 放开我- You're hurting me! - Let me go.,宝贝- You're hurting me! - Let me go.,我很抱歉 让我解释一下I'm sorry. Let me explain.,离开我!Leave me! ,- 我犯了一个错误 我很抱歉 - 你为这个错误感到抱歉吗?- I made a mistake. I'm sorry. - Is this a mistake you're sorry for?,我…I…,我父母结婚时正热恋着My parents were madly in love when they got married.,但只有爱是远远不够的But love alone is never enough.,每个人都在说:“有了孩子But love alone is never enough.,但这并不能解决问题But that didn't solve a thing.,我就在这里And here I am.,最后And here I am.,最后我和爷爷去了贾巴尔普尔and I ended up in Jabalpur with my grandpa.,可怜的爷爷过去常常感到压力Poor Grandpa used to stress over,他死后谁会照顾我who would look out for me once he was gone.,事实上who would look out for me once he was gone.,“可怜的姑娘 ”"Poor girl.",你知道谁不穷吗?Do you know who isn't poor though?,富人The rich folks.,我的梦想总是比贾巴尔普尔和格林菲尔德学校更远大My dreams were always bigger than Jabalpur and Greenfield School.,我只是需要一些钱来摆脱那里I just needed some money to break free from there.,所以我从库拉尔太太的储物柜里偷了张数学试卷卖了So,女校长发现了The headmistress found out.,一开始她给了我一堆威胁The headmistress found out.,但后来她同意了30%but then she actually agreed at 30%.,俗话说but then she actually agreed at 30%.,我带着梦想和想法来到孟买but then she actually agreed at 30%.,但现实来了but then the reality struck.,我经常催促but then the reality struck.,有时买家不会付款and sometimes the buyer wouldn't pay.,在这种手对嘴的情况下and sometimes the buyer wouldn't pay.,第一and sometimes the buyer wouldn't pay.,第二and sometimes the buyer wouldn't pay.,他们说金钱不能带来幸福They say money doesn't bring happiness.,而那些真正快乐的人不会赚大钱And the ones who are truly happy ain't rolling in dough.,我想幸福对我来说是不可能的Guess happiness is just not in the cards for me,所以如果我要哭so if I gotta cry,我宁愿在激光飞船里做so if I gotta cry,谁允许你坐下的?Who gave you permission to sit?,坐下Sit.,第380节Section 380A.,Section 380 bSection 380B.,第440节Section 440.,有人能猜到这是什么意思吗?Can anyone guess what this means?,监狱Penitentiary.,嘿…Hey…,Kohinoor航空公司有什么最新消息吗?what's the latest with Kohinoor Airlines?,我想知道I want to know.,这么做有什么必要呢?What was the need to do all this?,Bhartiya suraj kohinor航空公司负债累累BHARTIYA SURAJ KOHINOOR AIRLINES HEAVILY IN DEBT,Sethi女士…Sethi ma'am…,Sethi女士!Sethi ma'am! ,怎么啦?What?,我们什么时候发工资?When will we be getting our salaries?,我真的需要在每个月的第一天之前还贷款!I really need to pay the loan installment by the first of the month! ,有什么线索吗?Any clue about it?,我和人力资源经理米塔尔谈过了I spoke to HR Manager Mittal.,他说下周一切都会解决I spoke to HR Manager Mittal.......