坠落的审判 Anatomie d’une chute(2023)英文字幕
更新日期: 2024年03月29日 下载次数: 683 SRT ASS 坠落的审判 Anatomie d’une chute(2023)英文字幕预览
(light dramatic theme playing),(sauntering theme playing),- (object lightly thumps)- (Sandra clears throat),- SANDRA (in English): Sorry...- ZOE (in English): It's okay.,(Sandra chuckles nervously),SANDRA: Well...,what do you want to know?,ZOE: Oh. Oh, just a sec.,It hasn't recorded... Heh.,(ball thumping),There.,Um, so, the way,you describe the son's accident...,DANIEL (in French): Come, Snoop!,ZOE (in English):It's troubling to the reader,,because we know it's your life.,Do you think onecan only write from experience?,(Zoe and Sandracontinue chatting in distance),(water running),(Snoop panting),(in French) Come. Jump!,- Jump!- (Snoop whimpers),(speaking French),(Snoop whimpers),(groans) Jump. Jump.,(in English)...and then that leads me,to an interesting story.,And I decide to put youin the book I'm writing.,And that's it, it's not more.,You're in the book!,And yet I don't know you.,What I do know about,is my interest in you,,- and that is real.- Yeah, but still,,you had to meet me first.,I'm real, in front of you, now.,SANDRA (laughs):Yes, that you are.,Yeah. Yeah.,So, for you to start inventing,,you need something real first.,You say your booksalways mix truth and fiction,,and that makes us wantto figure out which is which.,You want?,ZOE: Is that your goal?,What's...,(chatting continues in distance),(sniffs),(in French) Okay, get out.,Snoop, come!,Let's dry you off.You're nice and clean.,No more dirt.,("P.I.M.P." by Bacao Rhythm & Steel Bandplaying over speakers in distance),- (Daniel mumbling)- (clamoring in distance),(objects thumping in distance),SANDRA (in English):What would you write about?,It's Samuel working upstairs...my husband.,(thumping continues in distance),So, what interests you?,What makes you so madyou want to explore it?,Forget about your thesis,your studies...,I don't want to be a writer.,SANDRA: Well, it's okay.,You don't have to write, just talk.,Like we're talking now.,You don't want to go onwith my questions?,SANDRA:Of course I want to go on,because... Of course!,But we could chat too.,Maybe we ask one question each?,So nobody's frustrated,like a normal conversation.,(laughs),Are you really interestedin what I...?,In what interests you? C'mon!,Sure.,I never see anybody.,I work here all day long.,You come to see me.Of course you interest me.,Okay, um...,- I run.- SANDRA: Mm-hmm?,It's one ofmy favorite things to do.,It makes me feel high,like I'm on drugs.,(Sandra laughs),What do you knowabout drugs then?,- Oh, a lot...- That's the next question.,- (Sandra laughs)- Big subject.,SANDRA: Maybe you don't writeeverything down...,No, no, surely not. Mm.,("P.I.M.P." restarts playingover speakers in distance),(laughs) I told you...,we should've done this in Grenoble.,ZOE: Ah... It's fine.,I'll write your answers down.,But, uh, I have many, many questions,,maybe you don't have the time...,Ah, don't... Don't worry about time.,Time is not a problem here.,Okay. Cool.,Uh, I'd like to discuss,storytelling as an investigation....
I don't like sports.,That's the first thing.,Walking, yes, maybe, running, no.,(laughs) No!,- Okay, right. I get it.- SANDRA: No...,Um, so, your...,(power tools buzz in distance),It's not really possible anymore, is it?,- ZOE: Yeah. It's complicated.- So, yeah.,I think we have to stop, Zoé.,(power tools buzz in distance),You know what,I'll be in Grenoble soon,,I'll give you a call, how about that?,Okay.,(hammering in distance),Sorry about that.,(loud pounding in distance),- SANDRA: Okay. Bye.- ZOE: Bye.,- See you soon.- Yeah, definitely.,SANDRA: Yeah?,(car engine starts),(panting),("P.I.M.P." playing faintly in distance),(water rushing in river nearby),(groans, clears throat),Whoa.,Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!,(in French) Careful.,(Daniel chuckles),(speaks French),(speaks French),("P.I.M.P." continues playing),(barks),(Daniel exclaims),(Snoop panting),(Daniel whispers in French),(Snoop barks and grunts),DANIEL: Dad! Mom!,DANIEL: Mom!,Mom!,- Mom!- (Snoop barking),Mom, come quick!,(cries),Mom!,Mom!,(Daniel sobbing),Mom!,("P.I.M.P." continues playing),(Sandra speaking indistinctly in English),SANDRA (in English):I don't know, because I...,My child was calling me.,Eh... Yes!,No, he's... I don't know.,I didn't move him.No, I didn't touch him at all.,I think... He's not breathing,that's why I'm calling.,(Sandra breathing heavily),No, please come, I can't answerall these questions.,No.,(Sandra sobs),No, he's not... He's not moving.,Please just come!,- (vehicle door closes)- (people chattering in French),FEMALE REPORTER (in French):...Samuel Maleski,,found dead below his chalet...,(people chattering in French),(Sandra responding in French),(Sandra sobbing),(Sandra speaks through tears),(camera flash clicks),FORENSIC DOCTOR (in French):Turning him now.,Full shot.,Closeup.,FORENSIC DOCTOR:I'll dictate the initial ideas.,Insert them before the conclusion.,The parallel, superficial abrasionson the hands and forearms,suggest the body slidone or two meters upon impact,before reachingits final, supine position.,A left temporal hematomarelated to the fatal brain trauma,indicates collision witha blunt object in the environment,or a violent blow to the head.,Injury location is inconsistentwith discovery position,,thus impact occurredbefore the body hit the ground.,In conclusion,we cannot yet determine,if the injury resultedfrom a collision or a blow.,We cannot, at this stage,rule out third party involvement.,Then, the usual.,Cause of death: Head trauma.,Forensic cause:,Accidental and/or deliberate.,Toxicological analysis neededto establish the truth.,(Daniel practicing Albeniz'"Asturias (Leyenda)"),(piano pauses),(composition continues slowly),(pauses, backs up),(repeats previous section),(plays section discordantly),(pauses),(playing section quickerin different octave),(hitting intermittentdiscordant notes),(pauses),(playing same small sectionsuccessfully),(hitting several discordant notes)......
坠落的审判 (Anatomie d'une chute)相关字幕