雪莉 Shirley(2024)中英字幕
更新日期: 2024年03月27日 下载次数: 476 SRT ASS 雪莉 Shirley(2024)中英字幕预览
(五名是黑人),(连一名黑人女性也没有),在纽约州第12国会选区In the 12th Congressional District of New York,,一位名叫雪莉奇泽姆的学校教师a schoolteacher named Mrs. Shirley Chisholm,当选国会议员was elected to Congress.,快点Running sip. Come on.,雪莉- Shirley.,待会见I'll see you later.,各位记者朋友及议员同仁Ladies and gentlemen of the press, fellow representatives,,身为众议院议长,我很荣幸as Speaker of the House, it is my honor to introduce,介绍第91届美利坚合众国国会新成员the freshman class of the 91st Congress of the United States of America.,各位先生、这位女士,欢迎加入国会Gentlemen, madam, welcome to Congress.,恭喜Congratulations.,- 谢谢 - 奇泽姆国会议员- Thank you. - Congresswoman Chisholm.,《独排众议》,♪A-one, a-two ♪,♪A-one, two, three, four ♪,(雪莉奇泽姆,她属于贝德史岱),♪Aw, shucks! ♪,♪Aw, baby, it's never less! ♪,- ♪ Come on ♪ - ♪ Yeah, yeah ♪,♪Aw, yeah ♪,♪Like candy you buy at the corner store ♪,♪I keep coming for more ♪,♪Candy's sweet, girl, yes, it's true ♪,♪But not as sweet as you, now... ♪,哈罗Hello.,小朋友,你好吗?过来How are you, young lady? Come here.,她很努力,真的很努力She worked hard, man. She worked real hard.,你会当总统?You're going to be president?,我是国会议员I'm a congressman.,你又不是男人You ain't no man.,也许我们该去找你妈妈Maybe we should find your mother.,♪ Yeah ♪,♪ All right, now, now, now, now ♪,得搬去华盛顿特区了You and Shirley have to move to Washington.,她说不定会在那边找间公寓Well... you know, she'll probably get an apartment down there.,康拉德、雪莉,可以拍张照吗?Conrad, Shirley, would you mind?,你一直在我们身边You've always been there for us.,记得我们从波多黎各来到布鲁克林时I remember, when we came to Brooklyn from Puerto Rico,,你让我们觉得就像家人一样you made us feel part of the family.,你们就是我的家人You are my family.,这只是开始,亲爱的,真正的战斗This is just the beginning, honey. The real fight?,华府的男人不明白 平权修正案对我们有多重要Men in Washington don't understand how important the ERA is for us.,对,等到钟响开始投票 我会在场支持你,我保证Yes, and when the bell hits the floor, I'll be there for you. I promise.,我们也会支持你And we're gonna be there for you.,- 真的很感激你 - 我也很感激你- I appreciate you so much. - I appreciate you too.,谢谢- Thank you. - Mm.,走吧,妈妈Let's go, Mama.,你不想跟你姊说声再见?You don't wanna say goodbye to your sister?,她在忙She's busy.,总是在忙Always is.,我要去说一声再走I'm gonna say bye.,♪ All right, now, now, now, now ♪,♪ Sugar ♪,♪ Yeah ♪,♪ Sugar ♪,♪ Yeah ♪,♪ Sugar ♪,♪ I'm callin' your name out there, baby ♪,♪ Sugar ♪,♪ So sweet and... Yeah, baby ♪,♪ Sugar ♪,♪ Yeah ♪,早安,奇泽姆女士Morning, Ms. Chisholm.,你好吗?How you doing?,我感觉挺好的I'm feeling pretty well.,老天,想像一下 跟我一样年薪四万两千五百美金My, imagine making 42.5 like me.,议员Congressman,,我们两个都来了至少一个星期了we've both been here for at least a week.,你几乎每天都跟我说这句话And you say that to me nearly every day.,几乎每天Nearly every day,,我都对你能跟我们其他人 有相同收入而感到惊奇I'm amazed that you're able to make as much money as the rest of us.,两件事Two things.,首先,既然你受不了我跟你一样 年薪有四万两千五百美金First of all, since you can't stand the idea of my making 42.5 like you,,那你看到我走进来,就自己消失when you see me coming into this chamber, vanish.,这样你就不用 为了四万两千五百块跟我较劲Vanish so you don't have to confront me with this 42.5.,其次 你要记得我在此的原因Secondly, you have to remember the reason I'm here.,我在为许多像我这种长相的人I'm paving the road for a lot of other people,当选进国会并赚年薪四万两千五铺路looking like me to get elected to Congress and make 42.5.,雪莉Shirley.,- 罗恩 - 有空吗?- Ron. - Got a second?,朋友找当然有空More than a second for a friendly face.,等我们聊过再看你作何感受Well, let's just see how you feel after we talk.,好吧Okay.,想事先提醒你一下Want to give you a heads-up.,他们正在为新任国会议员 分派委员会,然后...They're putting together assignments for new congressmen,,他们要分派你到农业委员会and... they're assigning you to the Agricultural Committee.,农业?Agriculture?,- 玉米、小麦、乳牛? - 应该没有包括乳牛啦- Corn, wheat, cows? - I don't know about no cows.,我代表布鲁克林区I represent Brooklyn.,我在农业委员会能为布鲁克林做什...What am I gonna do for the people of Brooklyn on the Agriculture...,我要退伍军人事务委员会I wanted Veterans' Affairs.,我在国会第一年也遭遇同样的事I went through the same my first year in Congress.,- 就接受被分派的委员会 - 农业?不要- Serve on the committee you're assigned. - Agriculture? No.,- 惯例就是这样 - 我该找谁谈?- That's just how it is. - Who do I have to talk to?,麦科马克议长负责委员会的分派Speaker McCormack makes all the committee assignments.,但他可是众议院议长But he's Speaker of the House..
你不能直接找议长谈You don't talk to the Speaker of the House.,你...You...,老天喔Oh Lord.,你根本没理由分派我到农业委员会There is no good reason to appoint me to the Agricultural Committee.,- 你是新科议员 - 我代表纽约市第12区- You're a freshman. - I represent the 12th District.,- 分派哪里你就去 - 那里的人需要工作和住房- Take the assignment you're given. - People need jobs and housing.,- 所以他们才投给我 - 等到有年资...- That's why they voted. - Earn seniority--,年资?我不想听这个,约翰Seniority? I don't want to hear about seniority, John.,这件事你想吵我奉陪If you want me to fight you on this, I'll fight you.,你没办法吵的You are not going to fight anyone.,我可是众议院议长I am Speaker of the House.,席位由我决定,你最好乖乖听话I decide who sits where, and you better fall in line,,否则你的事业在起步前就会毁了or you're gonna kill your career before it even gets started.,安德鲁,这里,等一下Um, Andrew, here. Hold up a sec.,“别小题大作,照吩咐去做”"Don't make a fuss, and do as you're told.",雪莉Sh-- Shirley. Shirley. Shirley. Shirley.,我明白你很沮丧,但这只是...I understand your frustration, but it's just...,- 只是过程,雪莉 - 他是我所属政党的领袖- It's a process, Shirley. - He's the leader of my own party.,我是布鲁克林区的国会议员 他竟想分派我去农...Congresswoman from Brooklyn, and he wants to put me on an--,这是年资问题It's about seniority.,所以要等轮到我?So wait my turn?,不是等,而是...Not wait, but...,雪莉,这是你第一个任期Shirley, it's your first term.,- 给点时间,你会成就大事的 - 给点时间?- Given time, you'll do great things. -"Given time"?,- 我真的这么相信 - 你想给理查尼克森时间- I believe that. I do. - You want to give Richard Nixon time.,怎样?What?,怎样啦?What?,你会想到办法适应的You'll find a way to fit in.,(1971年12月),麦克,很高兴见到你Mac, good to see you.,雪莉Shirley.,亚瑟Arthur.,- 圣诞快乐 - 谢谢- Merry Christmas. - Thank you.,进来吧Come in.,谢谢Thank you.,雪莉,十月的时候Shirley, in October,,你跟佛州的奇泽姆当选人委员会说you told the Committee to Elect Chisholm in Florida,只要他们能募得五千美金if they could raise $5,000,,你就会参加初选that you would put your name on the primary ballot.,他们募到了将近一万美金They raised almost 10,000.,他们募到款代表什么意思?So what does that mean, that they raised money?,是啊,雪莉小姐Yes, Miss Shirley.,这究竟代表什么意思?What exactly does that mean?,我告诉那些女性朋友 只要她们募到款Well, I told the women if they raised the money,,我就愿意接受提名I'd put my name on the ticket.,我会出马竞选总统I'd run for president.,总统?President?,你要我们怎么跟她们说?What do you want us to tell them?,雪莉,就算你参选Shirley, if you run,,也赢不了you can't win.,用那种态度当然赢不了Well, not with that attitude, I can't.,我为什么赢不了?And why can't I win?,除了我是黑人女性这个因素之外Besides the fact that I'm a Black woman.,马斯基会轻松赢得民主党初选Muskie's going to run away with the Democratic primary.,就算你成功参选,参选的人也很多Even if you did get in the race, the field's too crowded.,马斯基、麦高文要选 林赛可能也要选Muskie. McGovern's running. Lindsay's probably gonna run.,韩福瑞也会选 韩福瑞每次都选,还有米尔斯Humphrey'll run. Humphrey always runs. Mills.,史库普杰克森 老天喔,还有乔治华勒斯Scoop Jackson, for God's sake. George Wallace.,他们都有什么共通点?And what do they all have in common?,中年白人男性Middle-aged white men.,谁来代表黑人Who is representing the Blacks,,女性、墨裔、青年和劳工阶级?the women, the Chicanos, the youth, the working class?,有件事可以确定,就是你的钱不够Well, one thing for sure, you don't have enough money.,我会募款I'll fundraise.,找谁募款?Off of who?,墨裔、青年、劳工阶级?The Chicanos, the youth, the working class?,他们又没什么钱They don't have any money. Not real money.,就算你想象征性地参选,门槛少说...If you wanted to even have a token campaign,,- 要三吧?you'd have to start with... three?,- 三Three.,至少三十万美金At least 300,000.,而且还是打最穷酸、最精简的选战And that would be a bare-bones, slimmed-down campaign.,麦克Mac.,我会去大学校园演讲,请白人男孩I go to speak at college campuses, and I have boys, white boys,,上台来跟我谈 “奇泽姆太太,你何时要进行?coming up to me talking about, "Mrs. Chisholm, when are you gonna do it?",你何时要竞选总统?”"When are you going to run for president?",如果有白人男孩认为我能当总统If there are white boys who think I could be president,,认为我应该当总统who think I should be president,,那我何不为所有人放手一搏?then how am I not gonna try for everybody else?,好吧Well...,你当然不怕参选You're certainly not afraid to run.,我应该知道的I ought to know.,麦克Mac.,雪莉...Shirley...,你会需要我们怎么配合?What would you need from us?,我会需要你给我建议,一如以往I would need you to advise me, same as always.,亚瑟,你可以负责管钱Arthur, you can oversee the money.,康拉德可以请假来处理保全事宜Conrad can take a bit of time off work to handle the security.,没有意见?Nothing?,没有反应?Nothing?,没人有话要说?Nobody's got anything to say?,你要竞选总统You're running for president.,还有什么好说的?What is there to say?,“好”"Yes.",告诉他们我说“好”Tell them I said, "Yes.",我得帮你找个竞选经理人I'm gonna have to find you a campaign manager.,- 必须是黑人 - 必须是好人才- Needs to be somebody Black. - Needs to be somebody good.,- 我得打几个电话I have to make some calls.,- 我得募到三十万美元Yeah, well, I gotta raise $300,000.,祝各位圣诞快乐Merry Christmas to you.,好个新年新开始One hell of a way to start the New Year.,准备好重操旧业了吗?You ready to do this again?......
雪莉 (Shirley)相关字幕