雪莉 Shirley(2024)英文字幕 下载 SRT ASS_高清电影™

雪莉 Shirley(2024)英文字幕

更新日期: 2024年03月27日 下载次数: 473  SRT ASS
电影:雪莉 (Shirley)




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雪莉 Shirley(2024)英文字幕预览

 In the 12th Congressional District of New York,,a schoolteacher named Mrs. Shirley Chisholm,was elected to Congress.,Running sip. Come on.,- Shirley.,I'll see you later.,Ladies and gentlemen of the press, fellow representatives,,as Speaker of the House, it is my honor to introduce,the freshman class of the 91st Congress of the United States of America.,Gentlemen, madam, welcome to Congress.,Congratulations.,- Thank you. - Congresswoman Chisholm.,Hello.,How are you, young lady? Come here.,She worked hard, man. She worked real hard.,You're going to be president?,I'm a congressman.,You ain't no man.,Maybe we should find your mother.,You and Shirley have to move to Washington.,Well... you know, she'll probably get an apartment down there.,Conrad, Shirley, would you mind?,You've always been there for us.,I remember, when we came to Brooklyn from Puerto Rico,,you made us feel part of the family.,You are my family.,This is just the beginning, honey. The real fight?,Men in Washington don't understand how important the ERA is for us.,Yes, and when the bell hits the floor, I'll be there for you. I promise.,And we're gonna be there for you.,- I appreciate you so much. - I appreciate you too.,- Thank you. - Mm.,Let's go, Mama.,You don't wanna say goodbye to your sister?,She's busy.,Always is.,I'm gonna say bye.,Morning, Ms. Chisholm.,How you doing?,I'm feeling pretty well.,My, imagine making 42.5 like me.,Congressman,,we've both been here for at least a week.,And you say that to me nearly every day.,Nearly every day,,I'm amazed that you're able to make as much money as the rest of us.,Two things.,First of all, since you can't stand the idea of my making 42.5 like you,,when you see me coming into this chamber, vanish.,Vanish so you don't have to confront me with this 42.5.,Secondly, you have to remember the reason I'm here.,I'm paving the road for a lot of other people,looking like me to get elected to Congress and make 42.5.,Shirley.,- Ron. - Got a second?,More than a second for a friendly face.,Well, let's just see how you feel after we talk.,Okay.,Want to give you a heads-up.,They're putting together assignments for new congressmen,,and... they're assigning you to the Agricultural Committee.,Agriculture?,- Corn, wheat, cows? - I don't know about no cows.,I represent Brooklyn.,What am I gonna do for the people of Brooklyn on the Agriculture...,I wanted Veterans' Affairs.,I went through the same my first year in Congress.,- Serve on the committee you're assigned. - Agriculture? No.,- That's just how it is. - Who do I have to talk to?,Speaker McCormack makes all the committee assignments.,But he's Speaker of the House.,You don't talk to the Speaker of the House.,You...,Oh Lord.,There is no good reason to appoint me to the Agricultural Committee.,- You're a freshman. - I represent the 12th District.,- Take the assignment you're given. - People need jobs and housing.,- That's why they voted. - Earn seniority--,Seniority? I don't want to hear about seniority, John.,If you want me to fight you on this, I'll fight you.,You are not going to fight anyone.,I am Speaker of the House.,I decide who sits where, and you better fall in line,,or you're gonna kill your career before it even gets started.,Um, Andrew, here. Hold up a sec.,"Don't make a fuss, and do as you're told.",Sh-- Shirley. Shirley. Shirley. Shirley.,I understand your frustration, but it's just...,- It's a process, Shirley. - He's the leader of my own party.,Congresswoman from Brooklyn, and he wants to put me on an--,It's about seniority.,So wait my turn?,Not wait, but...,Shirley, it's your first term.,- Given time, you'll do great things. -"Given time"?,- I believe that. I do. - You want to give Richard Nixon time.,What?,What?.
    You'll find a way to fit in.,Mac, good to see you.,Shirley.,Arthur.,- Merry Christmas. - Thank you.,Come in.,Thank you.,Shirley, in October,,you told the Committee to Elect Chisholm in Florida,if they could raise $5,000,,that you would put your name on the primary ballot.,They raised almost 10,000.,So what does that mean, that they raised money?,Yes, Miss Shirley.,What exactly does that mean?,Well, I told the women if they raised the money,,I'd put my name on the ticket.,I'd run for president.,President?,What do you want us to tell them?,Shirley, if you run,,you can't win.,Well, not with that attitude, I can't.,And why can't I win?,Besides the fact that I'm a Black woman.,Muskie's going to run away with the Democratic primary.,Even if you did get in the race, the field's too crowded.,Muskie. McGovern's running. Lindsay's probably gonna run.,Humphrey'll run. Humphrey always runs. Mills.,Scoop Jackson, for God's sake. George Wallace.,And what do they all have in common?,Middle-aged white men.,Who is representing the Blacks,,the women, the Chicanos, the youth, the working class?,Well, one thing for sure, you don't have enough money.,I'll fundraise.,Off of who?,The Chicanos, the youth, the working class?,They don't have any money. Not real money.,If you wanted to even have a token campaign,,you'd have to start with... three?,Three.,At least 300,000.,And that would be a bare-bones, slimmed-down campaign.,Mac.,I go to speak at college campuses, and I have boys, white boys,,coming up to me talking about, "Mrs. Chisholm, when are you gonna do it?","When are you going to run for president?",If there are white boys who think I could be president,,who think I should be president,,then how am I not gonna try for everybody else?,Well...,You're certainly not afraid to run.,I ought to know.,Mac.,Shirley...,What would you need from us?,I would need you to advise me, same as always.,Arthur, you can oversee the money.,Conrad can take a bit of time off work to handle the security.,Nothing?,Nothing?,Nobody's got anything to say?,You're running for president.,What is there to say?,"Yes.",Tell them I said, "Yes.",I'm gonna have to find you a campaign manager.,- Needs to be somebody Black. - Needs to be somebody good.,I have to make some calls.,Yeah, well, I gotta raise $300,000.,Merry Christmas to you.,One hell of a way to start the New Year.,You ready to do this again?,- One more time. - Wow!,So?,What do you think?,A little late to be asking me now.,But it's not too late.,I've never known you not to win.,Not once.,Why should this time be any different?,I should get a new camera.,You're about to make history.,Whatever you get, make sure it's used, and make sure it's cheap.,Robert?,Robert!,How are you, Mrs. C?,Look at you. What is all that?,Uh, well, you know. I'm not a congressional aide anymore. So--,So you went and got all hip on me.,- I suppose I did.,Yeah, it's been a little while.,I would have to say that the thing that I remember most,,a first-year congressman,,and you forced the Speaker to give you a different committee assignment.,I mean, how do you even...,Just don't ever accept things the way they are.,Mrs. C, I gotta tell you,,interning for you is one of the most memorable experiences,that I've ever had.,I appreciate it. I do.......

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