超级马力欧兄弟大电影 The Super Mario Bros. Movie(2023)中英字幕
更新日期: 2023年05月14日 下载次数: 1245 SRT ASS 超级马力欧兄弟大电影 The Super Mario Bros. Movie(2023)中英字幕预览
超级马里奥兄弟大电影,看哪Behold!,库巴大王The king of the Koopas.,把门打开,否则死Open the gates, or die.,进攻Attack!,这只是我们愤怒的冰山一角That is but a taste of our fury.,你服不服Do you yield?,我不服I do not.,我终于找到了I finally found it.,现在,没人能阻止我了And now, no one can stop me!,♪ 哦,我们是马里奥兄弟,管道是我们的游戏♪♪ Oh, we're the Mario Brothers and plumbing's our game ♪,♪ 我们不像那些出名的人♪♪ We're not like the others who get all the fame ♪,♪当你的水槽出问题的时候♪♪ When your sink is in trouble ♪,♪ 你可以马上给我们打电话♪♪ You could call us on the double ♪,♪ 我们比其他人都快♪♪ We're faster than the others ♪,♪ 你会迷上兄弟俩的♪♪ You'll be hooked on the brothers ♪,这就是我,马里奥!It's-a me, Mario!,和路易吉And-a Luigi!,你是否厌倦了花太多钱修水管?Are you tired of paying too much for plumbing?,妈妈咪呀Mamma Mia!,这就是为什么超级马里奥兄弟会出现在这里That's why the Super Mario Brothers are here.,- 为了拯救布鲁克林 - 还有皇后区- Out to save Brooklyn, - and-a Queens,,还有你的钱包and your wallet!,谢谢你们,超级马里奥兄弟Thank you, Super Mario Bros.,看来你唯一没榨干的就是我的银行账户了It seems like the only thing you haven't drained is my bank account.,忘掉那些昂贵的管道公司吧Forget the expensive plumbing companies.,当你独自一人时,和超级马里奥兄弟在一起,你就是家人So when you're just a face, with the Super Mario Brothers, you're family.,♪ 兄弟俩 , 兄弟俩 , 兄弟俩 ♪♪ On the brothers, the brothers, the brothers ♪,哇,你太棒了Wow, you were great!,我很棒吗? 你在逗我吧?I was great? Are you kidding me?,是你太棒了You were great!,我很高兴,我们把毕生积蓄都花在这个广告上了I am so glad, we spent our life savings on this commercial.,那不是广告That is not a commercial!,那就是电影That is cinema.,呃,那口音呢?Eh, what about the accents?,那个Is it...,是不是很严重?Is it too much?,严重吗?Too much?!,那太棒了It's-a perfect!,好吧,我相信你Okay, I'm gonna trust you.,哎哟喂...,这不是布鲁克林最出名的废物吗If it isn't Brooklyn's favorite failures,,愚蠢的马里奥兄弟the stupid Mario Brothers.,啊,太棒了 斯派克在这里Ah, great. Spike's here.,嘿 斯派克Hey, Spike.,是 就是我Yeah, "It's-a me"!,哦 耶Ooh, yeah...,告诉我Tell me...,自从你们离开我,去开你们那愚蠢的公司之后,你们接到过一通电话吗?Have you even gotten one call, since you left me to start your dumb company?,事实上,斯派克…As a matter of fact, Spike...,我们有We have.,哇 真的吗?Wow, really?,呃 是的Uh, yeah.,我们的妈妈打电话来说Our mom called and she said,,"哦 孩子们 这是我看过的最好的广告 ”"Oh, boys! That's the best commercial I've ever seen.",然后我说:“非常感谢你,妈妈And I said, "Thank you very much, mother.,我们对此感到非常自豪 ”We're very proud of it.",真 棒So, boom!,祝你用这个做生意好运 白痴Good luck running a business with this idiot.,你再这么说我兄弟,你会后悔的Say that again about my brother, and you're gonna regret it.,哦 是吗Oh, yeah?,用你的小脑袋好好想想吧,马里奥Get this through your tiny brain, Mario.,你就是个笑话You're a joke!,永远都是And you always will be.,你疯了吗Are you insane?!,他的块头是你的三倍He's three times your size!,路易吉,拜托Luigi, come on.,你知道,你不能一直害怕You know, you can't be scared all the time.,嗯,你迟早会被震惊的Mmm, you'd be surprised.,你好,超级马里奥兄弟Hello, Super Mario Brothers.,水龙头有点漏水,太好了A drip in your faucet, that's great!,我是说I mean, that's...,你能打电话给我们真是太好了,因为我们即刻就到 马上解决问题That's great you called us because we can be there and we can fix it right away.,OK,马里奥,有生意了Mario, we got one!,超级马里奥兄弟开始营业了!The Super Mario Brothers are in business!,哦 不 我们要迟到了Oh, no! We're gonna be late.,不,我们不会的No, we're not.,来吧,我们走Come on, let's go.,嘿,等等Hey, wait up!,这边走This way!,快点 小路 大步走Come on, Lou. Step on it.,给你Here you go.,噢, 马里奥! 你在干什么?Aw, Mario! What are ya doing?,快下来Get off from there!,闲人免进You can't be here!,我知道I know!,- 我在工作呢 - 对 对不起- I'm workin' here! - So sorry.,- 快点,路易吉 - 我很抱歉- Come on, Luigi. - I'm so sorry.,我尽力了I'm trying!,我膝盖不好I got bad knees.,我们终于赶到了We have hit the big time.,水龙头就在楼上,走廊尽头The drip is right upstairs, at the end of the hall.,你能修好吗Can you fix it?,非常自信,先生Very confident, sir.,你们要小心 别弄得一团糟You'll be careful about making a mess.,夫人,我向你保证Ma'am, I assure you.,我们不制造麻烦,我们解决问题We don't make messes, we fix 'em..
这是弗朗西斯That's Francis.,它喜欢你们He likes you.,♪妈妈,妈妈,妈妈,我的好孩子♪♪ Mama, mama, mama, you have your baby ♪,扳手Wrench.,我们的第一单业务完成了And, our first job complete.,弗朗西斯在这里Francis is here.,嘿,伙计Hey there, pal.,马里奥Mario!,做点什么Do something!,妈妈咪呀Mamma Mia!,呃 马里奥Uh, Mario?,地狱猎犬要逃跑了The hellhound is gonna escape!,不,不会的No, it won't.,马里奥Mario?,呃 谁是乖狗狗Uh, who's a good puppy?,谁是好孩子Who's a good boy?,找到问题了Found the problem.,- 也许,今天不是太糟糕 - 你怎么这么香?- Maybe, it wasn't a bad day. - Why do you smell good?,是电视里的超级马里奥兄弟It's the Super Mario Brothers, from the TV.,他们给最差演员颁发奥斯卡奖?,我干啥了?What I do?,那个 呃So, uh...,那么大家都看到广告了So everybody saw the commercial then?,我们看了Uh-huh, we seen it.,- 然后呢 - 我不会放弃你的日常工作- And? - I wouldn't quit your day job.,哎呀,他已经这么做了Oops, he already did.,那个 我觉得这太不可思议了Well, I thought it was incredible.,它属于电影院It belongs in a movie theater.,啊,蘑菇Ah, mushrooms?!,大家都喜欢蘑菇,对吧Everybody loves mushrooms, right?,我喜欢蘑菇 我要吃了I love mushrooms; I'll take it.,马里奥,说真的Mario, seriously...,你对那个广告有什么想法What were you thinking with that commercial?,什么What?!,这应该很有趣It's supposed to be funny.,谁能把面包递给我吗?Can someone pass the bread?,是啊,但这些衣服是怎么回事?Yeah, but what's with the outfits?,水管工戴着白手套?Plumbers wearing white gloves?,没错 这是我们的标志That's right. You gotta have a trademark.,与众不同Gotta stand out.,别听他们的Don't listen to them.,全世界也在嘲笑达芬奇The world laughed at Da Vinci, too.,呃 我不确定嘲笑没有,妈Uh, I'm not sure they did, ma.,老爹Dad?,你觉得怎么样What did you think?,我觉得你疯了I think you're nuts.,你不会为了疯狂的梦想而放弃稳定的工作You don't leave a steady job for some crazy dream.,而最糟糕的是…And the worst part...,你把你兄弟也拖下水了You're bringing your brother down with you.,多谢 老爹Thanks, dad.,多谢你的支持Thanks for your support.,我说什么了?What I say?,- 谢谢收听 - 纽约交通报告- Thanks for tuning in. - NEW YORK TRAFFIC REPORT,不, 你可不能让我失望Nah, you're not bringing me down.,你知道吗?You know what!,他们懂个屁?What do they know, huh?,不只是他们It's not just them.,我们的一生,每个人都告诉我们,你不能做这个,你不能做那个Our whole lives, everyone's telling us, you can't do this, you can't do that.,厌倦了自己的渺小Sick and tired of feeling so small.,今天地下水管破裂了A water main burst underground today.,地铁停运,布鲁克林市中心被淹Stopping subway service and flooding downtown Brooklyn.,一切都在掌控之中,我向你保证Everything is under control, I promise you.,- 我们很快就会解决这个问题的 - 管道故障淹没布鲁克林- We are very close to fixing this. - PIPELINE FAILURE FLOODS BROOKLYN,- 让开 - 没事的- Out of the way! - It's alright!,快来人哪Somebody help!,救救布鲁克林吧Somebody save Brooklyn!,救布鲁克林?Save Brooklyn?,路易吉Luigi...,这是我们的机会This is our chance!,命运在召唤Destiny is calling!,高中时的命中注定吗?Destiny del Monchu from high school?,什么What?,不No!,跟我走Just come on.,搞定了I got this.,他们都没找对地方They're not even looking in the right place.,来吧 小路Come on, Lou.,你不会真的想要…You are not seriously considering...,马里奥Mario!,我们得到那个压力阀那儿去We got to get to that pressure valve.,妈妈咪呀Mamma Mia!,我就知道拯救布鲁克林是个坏主意I knew saving Brooklyn was a bad idea.,来吧Come on.,这是什么地方?What is this place?,看起来 好多年 没人来过这里了Looks like nobody's been down here for years.,路易吉Luigi?,路易吉 你在里面吗Luigi, are you in there?,路易吉Luigi!,什么What?,路易吉Luigi!,马里奥Mario!,把手给我Gimme your hand!,一切都会没事的It's all gonna be okay!,这怎么可能会没事How is this gonna be okay?!,我告诉你I'm telling you!,没有什么能伤害到我们,只要我们在一起Nothing can hurt us, as long as we're together!,马里奥Mario!,路易吉Luigi!,别碰那个蘑菇! 你会死的Do not touch that mushroom! You'll die!,哦,对不起Oh, I'm sorry.,这个没问题的That one's perfectly fine.,啊,是一个小蘑菇人Ah, it's a little mushroom man.......