更新日期: 2023年01月16日 下载次数: 757 SRT ASS 三体(2023)第1集英文字幕预览
♪Unity means power♪,♪Unity means power♪,♪The power is iron, the power is steel♪,♪But it is harder and stronger♪,♪Firing at Fascism, we fight♪,♪We'll wipe out all the systemsnot democratic♪,♪Toward the sun, and freedom,and new China♪,♪A country shining bright♪,♪Unity means power♪,(The deciphering was complete),(Do not answer),(All units should),(fill out transmission diaries.),(All unit heads should attendthe meeting in the debriefing room.),(Over.),(According to the weather forecast,),(from 8:00 AM todayto 8:00 AM tomorrow,),(in parts of the northeast,),(the maximum temperature will be9 degrees centigrade;),(the minimum will be minus 3.),(Clear to overcast.),(Northwest gentle breeze.),(Chinese Astronomical Almanac)(At 5:00 this afternoon,),(1979),(a sanitary inspection will beconducted on the equipment rooms),(and the main engine cabinet.),(Please get prepared in advance.),(Latitude),(Longtitude),♪At the end of time♪,♪Spring comes and she leaves♪,♪Why stop again♪,♪At the end of time♪,♪Spring comes and she leaves♪,♪I can't tell the lie♪,♪Fireworks in the air♪,♪At the night when nobody repented♪,♪Fell slowly♪,♪At the end of time♪,♪Waves roar a song♪,♪Who gave everything they had♪,♪At the end of the beginning♪,♪You asked me what was freedom♪,♪Who lost what they owned♪,=Three-Body=,=Episode 1=,(After nearly 6 months of hard work,),(the selection of torchbearersfor the Beijing Olympic Games),(is now finished.),(Summer, 2007)(From all over the country,),(a total of 11,534torchbearer candidates),(have been elected.),(Preparations for the Olympic Games),(are underway.),(Beijing Olympic International Forum),(started in Renmin University on 24th.),(This is one of the events),(of the 5th Beijing 2008Olympic Culture Festival.),(Over 30 Olympic executives, experts),(and scholars from home and abroad),(will discuss on the two-day forum),(the Olympic gamesand humanistic concepts...),(Physics doesn't exist.),(The investigation scopehas been designated.),(Police)(Field staff should keep order,),(keep the scene intact,),(and evacuate the onlookers.),(Police)(No trauma on the body.),(The forensic team, trace analysts,),(and photographershave arrived at the scene.),(Others are conductingpreliminary investigation),(and collecting evidence.),Captain Zhang,,the victim's identity is confirmed.,She was a physicist,,who seemed to be famous.,Cause of death?,No sign of homicide.,We found sleeping pills at the scene.,According to the forensic expert,,it was suicide by overdosing onsleeping pills.,(Evidence Bag),(Command center,we've arrived at the scene.),(Based on preliminary information,),(the victim was Yang Dong, who died),(on the bed in her bedroom.),(No trauma is found on the body.),What's going on?,The scene has been taken overby the military.,Please cooperate.,The military?,(Increase energy)Why is he here?,Hasn't he been suspended?,This is a military order.,Thanks, comrade.,Please handle the transition quickly.,Thanks for cooperation.,Thanks for cooperation..
At this time of crisis,,he's still playing Snake.,Captain Shi always says that,handling a case is like playing Snake.,(Energy exhausted),We should be both persistent,and patient.,Shen,,have you finishedinvestigating the scene?,Captain Shi,,preliminary investigationindicates suicide.,Here's the evidence.,Captain Shi,,the commander in chief said,,tomorrow's meeting would still be on.,Physics doesn't exist, again?,We have to inviteseveral scientists in person.,I'll bring them over.,Invite them.,Everyone, today is June 5th.,Welcome to Interact with Science.,Another regrettable incident,has occurred in scientific circles.,Yang, a famous physicist,,committed suicide at homeon June 3rd at night.,It is known that,several scientists committed suicide,in the past two years.,It's a disaster,for scientific circles.,So, we've invited Pan Han,,a famous biologist,,to share his views on this matter.,Hello, Mr. Pan.,Hello.,You correctly predictedthe ecological disaster,caused by genetically modified crops.,Now,,what do you think of,the scientists' suicides recently?,I always believe that,the over-developmentof science and technology,is a disease of human society.,The explosive development of technology,is like the rapid spread of cancer cells.,In the end,,the hosts will both be killed.,You mean...,Who can survive the earth's destruction?,Coming.,As a scientist,,I've only realized it earlier than others.,So in your opinion,,what should we do to avoid...,You are...,Are you Wang Miao?,Excuse me,,you can't smoke here.,Captain Shi.,Sorry, Professor Wang.,We're with the Public Security Bureau.,This is Captain Shi Qiang.,Fine.,The hallway,,we can talk in the hallway.,Sorry, you can't smoke there either.,(Please keep the hallway cleanand do not smoke),What can I do for you?,Professor Wang,,we want to know if you've,had any recent contacts with members,of the Frontiers of Science.,Have you?,The Frontiers of Science,is a very influential,international academic organization,full of famous scholars.,And it's legal.,Why can't I have contact with it?,Look at the way you talk.,Did I say anythingabout it not being legal?,Did I say anything about you notbeing allowed to contact them?,Did I?,Please respect my privacy.,I don't need to answer your questions.,Your privacy, seriously?,You're a famous academic.,Don't you have a,responsibility towardthe public welfare?,As an average citizen,,I also have the right to not answer.,Please leave.,Wait!,Did I permit you to close the door?,Give him the address and phone number.,You can come by in the afternoon.,What are you really after?,What are we really after? I...,Professor Wang.,Just now...,Please don't misunderstand.,There's an important meetingthis afternoon,......