乐队男孩 The Boys in the Band(2020)英文字幕
更新日期: 2023年01月14日 下载次数: 385 SRT ASS 乐队男孩 The Boys in the Band(2020)英文字幕预览
♪ Don't you ever feel sad ♪,Come on.,♪ Lean on me when times are bad ♪,Asshole!,♪ When the day comes ♪,Hey!,♪ And you're down ♪,♪ In a river of trouble, babyAnd I've got to swim out ♪,♪ Hold on, I'm comin' ♪,♪ Hold on, I'm comin' ♪,♪ I'm on my way, your lover ♪,♪ If you get cold, I'll be your cover ♪,♪ Don't have to worry, 'cause I'm here ♪,Sorry about that.,♪ Don't have to suffer, baby'Cause I was here ♪,♪ Hold on, I'm comin' ♪,♪ Hold on, I'm comin' ♪,♪ Hold on, I'm comin' ♪,♪ Hold on, I'm comin' ♪,♪ Reach out to me ♪,♪ For your satisfaction ♪,♪ All you have to do is call my name ♪,♪ For quick reaction ♪,♪ Hey, yeah, yeah ♪,♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah ♪,Enjoy your stay.,♪ Don't you ever feel sad ♪,♪ Lean on me when the times are bad ♪,♪ And when the day comes and you're down ♪,♪ In a river of trouble, baby ♪,♪ And I've got to swim out ♪,♪ Hold on, I'm comin' ♪,♪ Hold on, I'm comin' ♪,♪ Hold on, I'm comin' ♪,♪ Hold on, I'm comin' ♪,♪ Hold on, I'm comin' ♪,♪ I'm comin' ♪,Coming!,Come on. Coming, coming, coming, coming.,-Hello. Hello?,Shoot. God!,Hello! Oh, Jesus Christ!,Listen, what do you recommendfor a catatonic fit in a parking garage?,I… Ugh, ask your doctor.,That's why I'm calling. He just canceled. ,Can I come over?,Donald, you're abouta day and a half early.,-What am I supposed to do?-I just got in.,I'm not ready for you yet.Why did the prick cancel?,I don't know.He said he was just too sick.,Why don't you tell himyou're sicker than he is?,He already knows that.,Okay, Donald, come on over,but bring a bag of ice.,Please do not give me any responsibility.,At this moment, I cannot copewith anything weightier,than the directions to your apartment.,If you want a cold martini whenyou get here, you'll cope with some ice.,-I'll cope with some ice.-And hurry up.,I gotta go.,I was saying hello to an old friend.,What?,10th and Broadway, please.,Coming! Jesus Christ.,-How did you get inside?-The street door was open.,-You want a drink?-Not until I've had my shower.,I want something to work out today.,I'm gonna try to relaxand enjoy something.,You in a blue funk because of the doctor?,Christ, no.I was depressed long before I got there.,This should pick you up.,I went shopping today,and I bought all sorts of goodies. Look.,-Sandalwood soap.-I feel better already.,-Mm-hmm.-What we got here?,Oh! Your very own toothbrush,,because I am sick to deathof you using mine.,-How do you think I feel?-You've had worse things in your mouth.,Oh, also for you,something called "Control.",Notice nowhere is it called "hairspray.",Just simply "Control"and the words "for men",written about 37 timesall over the goddamn can.,Yeah, it's called Butch Assurance.,Well, it's still hairspray,no matter if they call it "balls.",It's all on your very own shelf,,which is to be labeledDonald's Saturday Night Douche Kit.,By the way, are you spending the night?,Nope, I'm driving back.,I still get very itchywhen I'm in this town too long.,Why didn't the prick call you and cancel?,Suppose you'd drivenall this way for nothing?,Why do you keep calling him a prick?,Who ever heard of an analyst,having a session with a patientfor two hours on a Saturday evening?,He simply prefers to take Mondays off.,He works late on Saturdaytaking Monday off?,What is he,a psychiatrist or a hairdresser?,Actually, he's both.,He shrinks my head and then combs me out.,Besides, I had to come in townfor a birthday party anyway, right?.
Oh, you had to remind me.,God, if there is one thingI'm not ready for,,it is five screaming queenssinging "Happy Birthday.",-Who's coming?-I think you know everybody anyway.,I mean, the same old tired fairiesyou've seen around since day one.,Actually, you know what?,There will be seven,counting Harold and you and me.,Are you calling mea screaming queen or a tired fairy?,Oh, I beg your pardon.,There will be six tired,screaming fairy queens,and one anxious queer.,I'll be out of your way in a second.I've only got one more thing to do.,Surgery? So early in the evening?,Sunt.,-That's French with a cedilla.,I've got to comb my hairfor the 37th time.,Hair, that's singular.,My hair, without exaggeration,is clearly falling on the floor.,You're totally paranoid.You've got plenty of hair.,No, what you see before youis a masterpiece of deception.,My hairline starts about here.,All this is just tortured forward.,Look.,That's not good, huh?,It's not the greatest.,- It's called getting old.,Oh, well.One thing you can say for masturbation:,you certainly don't haveto look your best.,So what are you so depressed about?I mean, other than the usual everything?,I really don't want to get into it.,Well, Donald,if you're not going to tell me,,then how can we havea conversation in depth?,A warm, rewarding, meaningful friendship.,Up yours.,It's just that today I finally realizedI was raised to be a failure.,I was groomed for it.,Oh, Christ. How sick analysts must get,of hearing how Mommy and Daddymade their darlin' into a fairy.,It's beyond just that now.,Today I finally began to see,how some of the other piecesof the puzzle relate to them.,My neurotic compulsion to not succeed.,I realize it was always when I failedthat Evelyn loved me the most.,Because it displeased Walt,who wanted perfection.,I began to fail on purpose to get love.,Failure is the only thingwith which I feel at home,because it's what I was taught at home.,No.,♪ You better chase all the blues away ♪,♪ Shout hallelujah, come on… ♪,What is more boring than a queendoing a Judy Garland imitation?,A queen doing a Bette Davis imitation.,Where'd you get that sweater?,Oh, this clever little shopon the Right Bank called Hermès.,I work my ass off,for 45 lousy dollars a week,scrubbing floors,,and you waltz aroundthrowing cashmere sweaters on them.,The one on the floorin the john is vicuña.,Oh, I beg your pardon.,You could get a job doing something else.,Nobody holds a gun to your headto be a charwoman.,That is, how you say, your neurosis.,Gee, and I thought it's why I was born.,Besides, just becauseI wear expensive clothes,,doesn't mean they're paid for.,That is, how you say, your neurosis.,However, thanks to the silver screen,your neurosis has got style.,It takes a certain flair to squanderone's unemployment check at Joe Allen.,What's so snappyabout being head over heels in debt?,The only thing smart about it,is the ingenious waysI dodge the bill collectors.,Yep, come to think of it,,you're the typethat gives faggots a bad name.,Oh, and you, Donald,you are a credit to the homosexual.,You're a reliable, hard-working,floor-scrubbing, bill-paying fag,who don't owe nothing to nobody.,-I am a model fairy.,You think it's just nifty,how I've always flitted from Beverly Hillsto Rome to Acapulco to Amsterdam,,picking up a lot of one-night stands,,a lot of custom-made duds along the trail?,I'm here to tell youthe only place in all those miles,,the only place that I've ever been happywas on the goddamn plane.,Run, charge.,Run, buy, borrow, make, spend.,Run, squander, beg.,Run, run, run. Waste, waste…,waste.,And why?,Finis. Applause.,-Hey.-Don't. You don't have to.,Hey, come on.,Oh, there's nothing quite as goodas feeling sorry for yourself, is there?,Nothing.,Okay.,I adore cheap sentiment.,Backstage, Funny Girl.,-Hi, it's Alan.-Alan?,Oh, my God.,Alan, oh, I don't believe it.How are you? Where are you?,I'm here… on business.,Listen, what are you doing tonight?......
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